Saturday, April 7, 2007

September 11,2001 at The New Britain Museum of American Art

The Cycle Of Terror and Tragedy: September 11,2001
GrayDon Parrish
My visit to the New Britain was great. It was very easy to get there, being that Ilivein new Britain. I never been there in the two years that I have lived in Connecticut,but I am glad I did because I saw so many interesting things. Each room has its very own unique style and each picture correlates with the next.
The longhallwere full with statues and great art art work.
I took many pictures because I like them all. I was amazed when I got to the second floor of the museum I saw the most beautiful picture.I knew I had to write about it.
September 11,2001 was a very tragic period in our lives. We were so affected by the things that happened on that morning. The way this picture depicts the pain and agony that we all felt losing family members to that event.
On the morning of September 11,2001 nineteen terrorist hijacked 4 commercial planes. Two of the planes each crashed into a tower of the World Trade Center in New York. The third plane hit the Pentagon,and the passengers on flight 93 attempted to take over the plane and it crashed in a small field.There were many dead. At the World Trade Center 2,602 died with 24 missing. There were 88 passengers on one plane and 59 passengers on the second plane. At the pentagon 125 died and there were 59 on the plane.Finally on flight 93 40 died. That is a total of 2,973 with 24 missing. This is very sad and it touched us all.
That painting shows the grief and the pain in Americans. The color scheme and the mood of the picture completely show what the families of these victims felt.
Showing the airplanes in the background told the story of what happened. The people on their knees showed people praying and wishing that their families and themselves would make it through the following hour. This was very tragic and this is why i decided this picture was exactly what i wanted to write about.
As you can seen i had to take three different views of the picture because it was so big.


Jason Somerset said...

What an eerie portrayal of the event on 9/11. From your description, I am excited about my upcoming visit to New Britian. Good Job!

Jerry said...

Hi Desiree,

There is much more you could say about the Graydon Parrish painting. Instead (or in addition to )recounting the facts of the event, you could spend some time looking at details and symbolism in the piece. Each figure is symbolic as well as how they are portrayed. There is much to say about the new neo classic movement too as a counter trend to modernism. Take a look at Beth's blog (linked from the bottom of the class blog) for some links about the work and how she dealt with discussing the symbolism found in the piece.

You can go back in and edit your post using the edit post button in the dashboard to fix some of the spacing between words and also add more content if you wish.

Looks like you had a good visit though!